So, as we are getting back onto the freeway I feel something that hurts REALLY bad on my right shoulder that happens to be hanging out the window. Maybe it's a stupid spider! I go to flick it off when I realize it's not a spider or any other living's the sticker from a bee! I pull it out, then me (being the brilliant person that I am) try to look at it.... WITH THE SAME HAND I AM HOLDING THE STICKER IN!!! Needless to say, I get poked AGAIN! This time I do it to myself. OWW!
Andy starts laughing at me as I am laughing at myself and pulls off the next exit. We take the proper precautions and call my mom to see if I am allergic to bees. We don't know so we head to the store to buy some benedryl, just in case! After leaving the store we decide not to go far away from civilization since we don't know what is to come. We head up to Rainbow, CA to see one of the houses Andy grew up in. On the way we come to a few different conclusions on why I got stung....
1. We weren't supposed to go out in the middle of nowhere.
2. Somebody else that was deathly allergic was going to be stung by that be, so it's better me than that person.
3. I just really shouldn't leave the windows down and my arm hanging out while on the freeway!
Personally, I like to go with option #2!
One more thing crosses my mind....The poor little Bee....
I mean, all he is doing is just flying trying to keep up with traffic when BAM, he gets sucked into my car, butt first I might add, and loses his poor little life. What a way to die! Poor little guy. I name him STICKER!
What luck...
(The bottom red spot is the original sting....the top one is where I stung myself.)

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