This year Halloween was a blast! On Friday night we went to a party some friends in the ward were throwing. Since it was after work I didn't have much time to get ready so I decided to go "Goth" since that is easy enough to do quickly. It is a little weird seeing me with black hair.

As for Halloween itself, it was a BLAST!!! We had trunk or treat at the church and then went to the Repetti's to pass out candy. The pics are backwards but I will explain the night with them.
This is Ashley! She is my favorite and I want to keep her forever and ever!!!

Andy and the kids had fun with the air gun! It was hooked up to the cannon of our boat at one point and time during the trunk or treat. Natalie and Andy are having fun!

Of course all of our friends have children but us (what kind of Mormons are we???) LOL They are all SO cute!

Karina and I! Her husband is in the background giving her bunny ears. He had the coolest transformer costume! He had the talking helmet and 3 foot jumping stilts and all!

Norman, one of our primary boys, was a killer banana pirate! LOL He is our handful in class, but so cute!
I stole the Repetti children as our crew! I hope to be able to have my own family that beautiful one day! I LOVE THEM!
Andy, of course, had to go all out for the trunk or treat and make a pirate ship for the trunk or treat. He wanted to turn the jeep into a moving boat but we ran out of time so this is was the finished product (finished on site of course LOL). I think it turned out pretty well. If you look closely you can see Andy shooting his air cannon. This was a big hit with the kids! :)
All in all we had a fabulous halloween! And I am so grateful to have friends that let us steal their kids and take pictures with them! HAHA! Thanks friends!
Such cute costumes! You guys looked great! Glad to see you had a Happy Halloween.
Like I said on your Myspace, love the halloween costumes!!
Love those pics! It's been fun getting to know you better!
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