Thursday, January 1, 2009

New Years

This year New Years was a blast! I had to work until about 6:30 and the day didn't start off that well but then we headed up to Patrick and Wendy's. They rented a huge bounce house and it was hilarious watching all of the kids begging and pulling Andy into that house. They LOVED making him bounce them! Megan's friend, Rachelle, has a little crush on Andy and was completely devastated to find out that Andy and I were married and not just boyfriend/girlfriend. LOL it was SO cute!!! I sat there remembering flirting with Peppers friends and having my little crushes on them. This is a little different seeing as she is 10 and he is 27, but it is so stinkin' cute!
All of Wendy's family was over again and I mentioned that there was a costco New Years eve party that we might go to but I didn't feel like going because I didn't think I looked good. So...Marianne told Tammy (who loves to play beauty parlor) that I needed to get dressed up and she got out all of the curling irons and make up and dolled me up. :) This meant a lot to me since it is apparently really hard to "get in" with their family.
We decided to leave around 11:30 to possibly go to the party, but then I realized we weren't in Utah anymore and all of the drunks would be hitting the road in about an hour....I didn't want to be on the road or anywhere near it. We got home and I put on my little black dress my mom bought me and we turned on tv on the countdown. It was at 5 when we turned it on and I was just in time to kiss Andy :) it was a blast! I got to dress up and spend time with Family.
Today we went for a walk on the pier eating Gelato ice cream...what more can you ask for???


This year was very different and hard for me. It is the first year I have been away from home for the holidays and I'm not so sure I like it. I am sure I will when I have my own children, but wow I missed my family and the snow!!! Christmas Eve we went over to Patrick and Wendys (Andy's brother and sister in law). Wendy's family all came over as well and we hung out in our pajamas, ate good food, then they had a little presentation for the kids.
Andy and Patrick made little mangers and Wendy bought little babies from the dollar store. Every child and our little family with no children got a baby and a manger. Patrick read a book called "The last straw" to all of the family (incredible book!) and explained how it depends on all of us to make Jesus' bed more comfortable by doing good deeds. Then we watched the part of "the nativity" movie where Christ is born. After that the children decorated cookies and made their own "gold, mur, and frankincense" for their baby Jesus, as well as colored a nativity scene picture.
It was really interesting how focused on Christ they were rather than the presents and all of the commercialized crap the world has come to. (It doesn't hurt that Wendy's dad is the stake president, lol) It was wonderful actually talking about the savior and the real meaning of Christmas on Christmas Eve. Being with family and remembering why we actually celebrate the holiday. My family was good at instilling the purpose but I don't remember doing anything that involved.
Anyway, Andy and I stayed there a little later than planned so I feel a little bad because "Santa" had to run to the shop WAY later than planned for the presents. :O

Christmas Morning Andy and I spent by ourselves opening stockings and gifts. I got a WII :) yay me!!! As well as a gorgeous necklace and I have to chose between going training with the Dolphins at Sea World or going on the Safari ride in the Wild Animal Park (inside the exhibit). I think I'm going to go with the dolphins. :) Andy didn't get so lucky because about two months ago I got too excited and bought him a 360. He got games and xbox live so he can play with his friends in Utah...kinda lame, but fun for him I guess. I think I'm the one that made out like a bandit. LOL!!!
Then we headed down to his dad's house and spent the rest of the day with him. It was a great Christmas, I just wish I could have spent more time with my family. I also wish I would have remembered to take the camera :( I will be getting the pictures from Wendy soon though and will post them. I am so lucky to have wonderful inlaws that make me feel like a part of the family and not be so lonely on Christmas. But even more lucky to have such an incredible husband!!!