Tuesday, October 28, 2008

6 Quirks...

1. I hate doing the dishes! I don't mind doing any other chores but I HATE dishes with a passion. It doesn't matter if I have a dishwasher or not.

2. I can't stand to eat breakfast. I know it's the most important meal out of the day but I just can't seem to eat when I wake up in the morning.

3. I actually like my husband to play video games. LOL! Most women hate that, but I really don't mind at all.

4. I am obsessed with text messaging. I love it.

5. I always order Chicken enchiladas when I go to a Mexican restaurant. It doesn't matter where I go that is what I order if it's Mexican.

6. I would rather sleep anywhere then in my own bed. It doesn't matter what bed is mine, since I was 17 I started sleeping on couches and anywhere that wasn't my actual bed. I am doing better since I have been married but I have required a lot of traveling because of this little quirk.

Most of my friends have already done this so those who haven't and have some extra time. I would love to read about you!

1 comment:

Mindy said...

I hate doing dishes to but i end up doing them most of the time.