Monday, March 9, 2009

24 hour fitness

So, Andy and I FINALLY got a gym memberships and I plan on using it! I will be taking before and after shots, yet I am not willing to put the before shots up until after I have lost all the fat! :) They are opening a new gym right across the freeway from us, which will make it really nice to just head there after I get off work at 10 am. Wish me luck!!!


Mindy said...

Good luck!!! That will be me too in a few weeks :)

Anonymous said...

Hey Brandi! I had no idea you had a blog :D First things first, thank you SO much for your kind words and I'll make sure to thank Kasey for you! Second GOOD LUCK!!! You have my full support!!!!!!

jenifer said...

I too just joined 24 Hour Fitness.!! They have a lot of equipment, so can't wait to use the machines or weights.